First, write down all your dreams. Not the dreams you have while you sleep but the things you want to manifest. You can think of them as goals, but I prefer to call them dreams. The key to this step is to write your dreams as if they have already happened. This allows you to step into the energy of what you want before it manifests. It’s magical and so much fun! Let your imagination soar and dream away!

Show Me
The second step is to ask to be shown the way. “Show Me’s” are a way to surrender to your highest power, whatever your belief system may be. Ask to be shown the path and align yourself with the energy of what you wish to manifest.
For example:
“Show me the steps I need to take to get me to where I want to be.”
“Show me the evidence of my path that I will understand.”

The third step is to express gratitude. Write down all the things you are grateful for right now. They don’t have to be big; they can be as simple as being grateful for the comfy bed you sleep in every night. The Universe mirrors back the energy you emit, and that positive, grateful energy is magnetic.
Watch as your dreams unfold before your eyes.

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