Beautiful Soul,
It fills me with great joy to have you here.
Thank you for having the inner wisdom and courage to want to elevate and reconnect to your authentic self.
As your guide, I will show you endless possibilities in your mind, body and soul.
The guiding light of someone who has faced similar experiences, is the most powerful space for self healing.
I invite you to experience the journey from self exploration to the highest level of self connection.
It’s not just about having what you want but wanting and desiring what you already have.
As a Reiki Master, I will guide you back to the golden light of your energy life force with practical guidance, as well as understanding the hidden secrets of its powerful effects.
Come with me on this unique journey of your higher expansion.
Sarah Vie
#1 Best-Selling Author of Two Books, Global Lifestyle Guide, Transformational Travel Expert Aligning you mind, body & spirit

The Journey to Vie

The journey to Vie or “life” began in a time when I knew in my heart something was not quite right within me. That tug or inner emptiness that I experienced, was almost becoming a part of me, but I knew it didn’t belong. This feeling was the turning point to discover what was missing in the core of my inner foundation.

As a child, I felt as if I was living someone else’s life, not my own. Being the childhood equestrian was not something I chose. It was something I was told to do. This as well as many others beliefs, became my false identity that I grew up believing was me.
My self expansion into my truth, began 5 years ago. Meditation was my first instrument I experienced to allow the many layers of my outer false shell, to start melting away. Some of the layers were deeper than others, but I knew with emotional self-kindness, I would be able to crack what I already sensed was inside.
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*I Wish I Had Known* is a must-read!