FindingThe Signs
Unlock The Infinite Powers of the Universe and Establish Unconditional Love & Trust Within Yourself.
Join me on a 4-week inward journey through your very own path to Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment.
We begin August 19th.
Week 1:
The Surrender
What does it mean to truly surrender?
It’s the ultimate trust fall within yourself when you release the expectation of what you think should be happening vs. the intuitive knowing that what you desire IS already happening.
We will begin an energetic clearing to allow your Universal life force energy to “take the wheel” for you.
Week 2:
The Awakening
It’s time for your Spirit to wake up.
When we learn to deeply connect inside of our heart’s center, it lights up all parts within of our bodies like a Christmas tree. Can you imagine what it will feel like to feel electric charges from your fingers to your toes and all in between? This is when you truly come alive and miracles come to you freely.
Week 3:
The Path
How to know you’re on your way to Spiritual Awakening
Do you hear songs that remind you of a loved one who has passed? Maybe you find feathers or heart-shaped rocks?
When we locate these little signs from Universe, it is reassurance that you are in the right place at the right time. We will begin to notice these soul symbols and interpret their special meanings.
Week 4:
The Resurrection
The essence of you is yet to be revealed.
For the last few months the Collective has had our eyes closed and our minds & bodies in fear. But at the end of these 4 weeks, you will stand in your power.
Can you picture it? A bright & shiny version of you covered in the warmth of healing golden light. You feel at peace, confidently moving in the direction of your dreams. Let’s begin.
Will You Commit To Finding The Signs?

It's My Birthday!
If you’ve had a pandemic birthday, you know that this is a time to get creative for your celebration.
When I meditated on what I was craving, it was clear. Right now I cherish the closeness of a group of beloved friends who are committed to their path to love as well as connection to Spirit.
I would love it if you joined me!
And guess what?!
I am trying something new when it comes to your commitment.
Do you ever notice how you show up differently when there’s “skin in the game”? This is why I am asking you to decide your own financial contribution as an energetic exchange of what you wish to gain from this experience.
How much does it take for your willingness to create expansion in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions
We will meet for 1hr on the following days:
- August 19th @ 7:00 pm EST
- August 26th @ 7:00 pm EST
- September 2nd @ 7:00 pm EST
- September 9th @ 7:00pm EST
Yes! Whether you show up in person, or can’t make it live, we will email you the replay.
We will have a live 1-hour call weekly starting August 19th.
That is entirely up to you. You will be gifted the choice to contribute the amount that reenforces your commitment. It’s like joining a gym. If you invest just $5 per month, you’re likely to slack. When you’re a VIP member of a fitness club, you show up differently. Ask yourself how you would like to show up, and proceed accordingly.
This is your connection to the source of infinite love. Love is the most powerful emotion. When you can live inside of the light of love, your connection to Source becomes so strong that anything becomes possible.
Firstly, you will get what you give. When you are accountable for your energetic investment, your rewards can exceed your expectations. FOR THE BEST RESULTS: You will try your best to show up to the live calls, remove any distractions and clear your mind of the “mental clutter” that consumes your energy. Be present and you will receive and abundance to blessings to help you understand how to decode the spiritual symbols guiding you to your greatest potential.
You will want to bring a journal and tall glass of water. Perhaps you will light a candle and burn an incense to create your sacred temple. Be sure to remove all distractions from your atmosphere, even if you are watching the replay.
FOR THE BEST RESULTS: You will try your best to show up to the live calls, remove any distractions and clear your mind of the “mental clutter” that consumes your energy. Be present and you will receive and abundance to blessings to help you understand how to decode the spiritual symbols guiding you to your greatest potential.
Please contact me by clicking here.