Break Free &
Live Abundantly

Manifest Your Magnetic Life
With Sarah Vie

Ways to Work Together

line2 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Inner Child Healing Session

Spark your Inner Creativity and raise your inner vibration. Did you know that your unhealer “Inner Child” could be running your life? Inside of us all are the wounds our "Little Me" still carries around. That Little Me developed coping mechanisms that were good for you at the time, but most likely no longer serve you as an adult. We often forget about those as they become a part of who we are. It's important, now that we're adults, that we learn new coping skills and use appropriate coping tools. We will begin to scratch the surface and understand how you are still parenting yourself. In this 90 minute session I will teach you how to uplift that inner child so you can begin to be less triggered, feel more peaceful and feel more aligned with your authentic self. 90 minute, Raise your Vibration session
living abundantly Google Form - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Become a guest or sponsor on the tv show
living abundantly with sarah vie
a wlny55 produciton

Are you someone with a mission, book, group, brand, art, or (fill-in-the-blank)? Our producers want to hear from you! To learn more about our show debut on WLNY55 NEW YORK, click below.

WLNY55 NEW YORK: CBS owned-and-operated WLNY New York, the #1 ranked DMA in the United States with nearly 6.8 million TV homes. From New York City to Long Island, the Northern Suburbs, Connecticut, and New Jersey.

Retreat Space &
vacation Rentals

Sarah Vie Assets 2024 7 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Sarah Vie is a proud 5-Star host of two beautiful beach rentals. Her restorative locations currently include Puerto Rico & the Delaware Coast. You can rent these spaces for a rejuvenating experience for your friends and family or create your own guided retreat experience. 

Coming Soon!
La Vie Press

Sarah Vie Assets 2024 9 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

The Luminary Author is beginning her newest venture as the Founder of La Vie Press, a home for abundant authors who are no longer holding back their story so their wisdom may be a guiding light for others to step into their most authentic self.

FREE Weekly
Manifestation Circle

Sarah Vie Assets 2024 8 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Join our private Facebook Group community of men and women on the path to their most abundant lives, no matter what it takes! 

Join the
facebook community

Sarah Vie Assets 2024 2 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Join our private Facebook Group community of men and women on the path to achieve their most abundant lives through energetic fulfillment, no matter what it takes! 

#1 Best-Selling Books by Vie

line2 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

"5.0 out of 5 stars! A beautiful book for children and adults alike!"

"Something to be shared by children and parents alike - a wonderful story with a strong rooted lesson in how to grow and love without judgement." - Verified Purchase Review on Amazon
Learn More

"5.0 out of 5 stars! How to overcome past pain to improve our lives"

"We all carry emotional, trauma and pain from our childhood. Even those who claim they had the perfect childhood carry some baggage. Great words to help throw out that baggage and improve our adult lives" - Verified Purchase Review on Amazon
Learn More


#1 Best-selling author Sarah Vie does it again! This new lifestyle book acts as a well-rounded guide to living in alignment (mind + body + soul). Join the wait list to get your signed copy of Sarah Vie’s newest book with recipes, stories, beautiful images, and more!
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Magnetic Manifesting Kits

line1 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

The first step to creating a solid foundation for manifesting your desire to clear the pathway, and this kit will help you do just that.

Sparkle and Shine Kits

line1 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Creative energy is sparked by play, but when was the last time you truly let your inner child play? Your Sparkle and Shine kit will allow you to unlock your creative spark and create play your way. 

Your Magnetic Life Retreats

line1 - Life Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation

Join Sarah’s next in-person retreat,  create your own experience in a Sacred Space rental or let Vie design & guide you on the most transformational travel excursion you’ve ever had!

Join Our FREE Weekly Circle

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Every Sunday, we meet at 9 am EST to chat about all things Spiritual Awakening. Be surrounded by like-minded #NoMatterWhat women on the same path to healing as you.

Let's keep in touch

Join Sarah’s La Vie For Me mailing list and receive access to our manifestation portal abudantly filled with exclusive bonus content.